Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Internetwork Expert WB VOL 1 - BGP Lab 7

7)BGP Bestpath Selection – Weight

Objective: Configure the BGP Weight attribute on R3 so that traffic from R3’s Ethernet segment going to VLAN 5 is first sent to R1.

Hmm, over here ..I was again in line not with the solution though. The WB solution is more general, where as I decided to come up with the a more specific solution that only modifies the weight for VLAN_5 prefix!! I am more correct here, being more specific on the lab always helps.

Anyways this is what I Have done,

ip prefix-list VLAN_5_PREFIX seq 5 permit

route-map MODI_WEIGHT permit 10
match ip address prefix-list VLAN_5_PREFIX
set weight 100

router bgp 2
neighbor route-map MODI_WEIGHT in

Worked like a charm! Hmm seven labs for the day, with some theory of bgp are good enough. I will call it a day, will try to do more tomorrow.

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